Taming the Tiger
Taming the Tiger
Episode 8: Alice Hendy - Taming multiple tigers & talking suicide prevention
This month our resident Tiger Tamers, Ross Abbott & Ellice Whyte, are joined by the amazing Alice Hendy, Founder & CEO of R;pple.
Here is an introduction to our brilliant guest...
Alice lost her only sibling, her brother Josh, on 25th November 2020 to suicide at 21 years old. She speaks so eloquently and with such power on mental health, suicide, bereavement, and the signs to look out for to provide hope to our loved ones in their darkest hour.
Her presentation delivery is incredible, from the heart, real, professional, passionate, relevant, informative, and impressive.
Alice’s brother Josh had been researching techniques to take his own life via harmful internet searches. To ensure more help and support is given to individuals searching for harmful content online, Alice set up her own charity called R;pple; a digital tool, which is a user searches for harmful content online, they will first be guided through a filter of breathing exercises and then very simple, uncluttered and calmly presented strategies and forums, helplines and mental health services they can access both now and in the longer term, accompanied with messages of hope and encouragement to keep safe.
R;pple has been downloaded millions of times around the world, continues to intercept thousands of harmful online searches and has saved countless lives from suicide.
Everyone should hear Alice’s story.
** Content Warning - This podcast episode contains themes of suicide, if you become distressed while listening please stop and seek support **
If you or someone you know is in distress and/or having thoughts of suicide please seek additional support, contact:
Samaritans: Call - 116 123 Or visit - https://www.samaritans.org/
Shout: Text Shout to 85258 Or visit - https://giveusashout.org/
Papyrus: Call - 0800 068 41 41 Or visit: https://www.papyrus-uk.org/
Alice's Links:
Website - https://www.ripplesuicideprevention.com/
LinkedIn - @Alice Hendy
Instagram - @R;pple
Facebook - @R;pple
YouTube - @R;pple - Suicide Prevention
Highlighted Wellbeing Day Links:
World Suicide Prevention Day - Click here for more info.
Youth Mental Health Awareness Day - Click here for more info.
Thank you for listening to this episode of Taming the Tiger, check back next month for our next episode and to hear from our next fantastic guest.
Check out our hosts on social media with the links below 👇
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